My Third Ear

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Louisville Nebraska Teens Learn About Neighbors

Yakima Indian Reservation

With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts.
~Eleanor Roosevelt

In 2007 I interviewed the Christian Church teens in Louisville, Nebraska, about their mission trip to the Yakima Indian Reservation in Washington. The three 15-year-old-teens returned home inspired to ask, “What about my neighbors.”

“I do some community service here in Louisville, a little bit—you know,” Trista said. “But after the workshops at the reservation, I know I need to be more involved here at home. Like, care about others more and just listen.” Moved to tears more than once while she worked in the daycare, she added, “The lunches were such small portions. I couldn’t see how the kids had enough food. When they left for the afternoon, I had a snack before the evening meal—they didn’t receive one. It makes me realize there are families in my community that might be hungry and I want to do something about it.”

Jessie worked in the daycare also. Because of the demeanor of the children, she noticed the impact of verbal and negative putdowns. “Some of these little kids have it in their head they are dumb and useless. It really hit me—how if you say something even one time it can affect the other person. Even if you are kidding around someone might not take it as a joke. I know it happens at my school—it needs to change.”

There is more to this story, these teens wanted to live a new day with new strength and new ideas. They inspired me in 2007 and again today. 

Still Lionhearted, Kat

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