My Third Ear

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Crawford's Smoothie


It did work for husband. He had lost from 240 to 153 while struggling with Psuedomyxoma Peritonei (PMP). A few weeks after his surgery at Creighton University, I drove husband to No Name in West Omaha. Katie looked at husband and said, "This is what I'd do...." So we followed her advice and husband started to gain weight.

Protein Smoothie:
1 Cup rice milk
1 banana
1 heaping teaspoon ALL ONE POWDER multiple vitamins and Minerals.
1 Tablespoon Udo oil
1 heaping scoop of rice or whey protein*
2 Tablespoons hydrolyzed collagen protein*

Pour the rice milk in a blender, add banana and pulse. Add powder and UDO oil. Then the proteins. If you use the Tablespoon for the oil and then the hydrolyzed protein, the hp will come off the spoon easier.

Not sure husband’s tummy could stand the oatmeal in the beginning, but eventually he added about 2/3rds cup steel cut or hard oats and then blended on high.

About the time Katie suggested the above smoothie a doctor listed a similar recipe in a Sunday Parade. His didn't have the extra protein, but he added all that other stuff and feeds it to his kids every morning.

Also, husband used Barley Max. Sometimes he added 2 spoons to his shake. Healthy, healthy stuff.

*I use rice protein --I'm allergic to so much stuff. Husband likes vanilla whey.
Hydrolyzed Collagen is by Twinlab LPP regular (contains predigested whey protein)"
*Use rice or almond milk (not soy. Soy is too hard to digest and remember, no dairy.)

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